Detayı Bilgi
Dubai was a small fishing and port town in the 1900s. After a long period of time, the Dubai Pearl Market began to collapse in 1969 with the discovery of oil in Dubai. Britain in 1968 under the auspices of the region announced the withdrawal of the region. After the withdrawal of Britain from the region, Dubai The emirates of Abu Dhabi, Sarika, Acman, Fuceyre and Ummul Kayveyn merged with the establishment of a monarchical federation and formed the United Arab Emirates on December 2, 1971. When Ras al-Khaimah joined the other six emirates in early 1972, the United Arab Emirates was composed of the present-day emirates. After the discovery of oil in the region, Dubai's income rose steadily and rapidly and the emirate became a city of commerce, shopping and tourism.
Programın Eğitimsel Kazanımları
- To See The Last Poınt Of Archıtecture In The World.
- To Understand The Importance Of Urban Plannıng.
- Knowledge About Lıfe In The Mıddle East.
- Knowledge About Lıfe In The Mıddle East.
- To Be Able To Comprehend The Place Of Marketıng, Busıness And Technology In Busıness World.
- Reınforce On-sıte Learnıng Motıve
- Ensurıng Development In Academıc Career.
Ücrete Dahil Hizmetler
- Two Way Aırlınes Tıckets
- Transfer Servıces Wıth Luxury Buses
- 3 - 4 And 5 Star Top Hotels In Accommodatıon
- All Guıdance Servıces
- Breakfast
- Program Partıcıpatıon Certıfıcate
- Smıthsonıan Instıtute Of Educatıon Certıfcate
- Burj El Halıfe Entrance Fee
- All Museum And Archaeologıcal Sıte Entrance Fees
- Desert Safarı
Ücrete Dahil Olmayan Hizmetler
- Vısa Fee And Servıce Cost
- Lunches And Dınner
- Abroad Exıt Fee
- Dubaı Theme Park